11. Adam and The AntsDirk Wears White Sox

Every single song on here is incredible and all their imagery really captured my imagination. I just loved that everything was black: they were in black leathers, the album cover was black and it was just so stylistically arresting for me.
I just loved how it sounded really smart too. He sounded to me both dangerous and educated, a [combination] I found really intriguing. I didn’t always understand what the lyrics were about, but I got the sort of gist. I was a young teenage girl in Scotland and I’d grown up in a very conventional family and this just felt dangerous and exciting to me. It was the sort of life that I wanted to pursue – whatever is on that record, the sound of that record, that’s what I wanted to pursue in my life. I wanted smart boys [laughs] dressed in black leather sounding dangerous. That’s what I wanted, and that’s what I went after [laughs].