12. Young DruidYoung Druid

The artist, under one of his other monikers, put on an event and a mutual friend was looking for someone to come play the harp and improvise at the beginning of it. I went along, not really knowing what it was going to be like, and that’s how I found out about them and Young Druid. We ended up improvising at the end, and me playing turned into their set.
Live, it was much more improvised and experimental and a different sound palette to this record, but that’s an artist that in everything he does really treads this line of being quite iconoclastic. It’s not art college, it’s not classical composer, it’s not pop musician, it’s not dance producer. It’s just him and I really respect that. I just think some of the pieces on that Young Druid record, I think ‘Fifty’ is one of them, it’s just a really gorgeous record which is in its own box. I can’t really think what category it falls under. I think artists like that are really inspiring to me. That have that vision or are just like, ‘fuck it I have authority because this is what I have to do.’