5. MotörheadOrgasmatron

Lemmy wasn’t very happy with Bill Laswell’s production on this record. In his book he said: "Bill was good for getting sounds, but he fucked everything up in the mix."
As a 22-year-old fan, I wasn’t really looking at records all that deeply yet. For me, it was the next Motörhead record and I fucking loved Motörhead. It’s got ‘Deaf Forever’, ‘Mean Machine’, fucking ‘Orgasmatron’ and ‘Doctor Rock’. It was the next Motörhead record and when you’re a Motörhead fan, you know what you’re going to get. With Orgasmatron, they didn’t reinvent the wheel. It’s just a fucking great record.
At Lemmy’s funeral you spoke about buying the Ace Of Spades album and thinking, because of its sleeve, that Motörhead were Mexicans. Had you realised by ’86 that Motörhead were not in fact Mexicans?
[laughs] Yes. I realised soon after buying Ace Of Spades that they weren’t Mexicans. It might even have been the same day when I was with one of my friends or I might have seen them in Kerrang! that same week and found out they were actually from England. I was like, "What?! They don’t look English!" If anything, it made them cooler in a way because all my favourite bands pretty much were English, so it just made sense to me.