10. Arco Iris – Arco Iris

I kind of see this one as being related to that folksy prog mentality we were discussing before. Arco Iris were an Argentinian band, and, like I said, I hear a lot of similarities in this prog folk aesthetic or texture. But the production on this record, and the songwriting too, but especially the production is just so intimate. I don’t really know how to express it properly. It’s not even quiet, it’s just so near to you, and it’s fascinating to me. I think there’s a lot of pop music from South America, a lot of Bossa Nova music, that has that really intimate recording quality that I find so fascinating. That production aesthetic combined with prog-oriented songwriting is a perfect mix for me. It would be fun to be able to get into the details of how a lot of that kind of music was recorded and zero in on a studio recording of any of those records to get to know how they pulled it off.