9. Autechre

This tune is so completely epic it destroys pretty much everything else. I think it’s strange because Autechre are so massively influential. You’d be hard pushed to meet anyone at all in any aspect of electronic music over the last 20 years who doesn’t know who they are and doesn’t find them an influence in some way. Their influence is almost impossible to measure. They’re so unique, they’re kind of an aside – I can’t think of anyone else who exists so completely in their own sphere. For as long as I remember they’ve been part of my musical landscape. This tune is a slightly weird choice because it’s not very representative of that general release. It’s so simple and so beautiful – just a really amazing tune. You can pick and choose pretty much any Autechre track and it’s very difficult to place it in terms of time or genre. It’s so of its own world that it’s difficult to try and quantitatively judge it. You can’t say what a good or bad Autechre tune is; it’s just totally of its own world.