1. Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin II

You can’t fail today to be mesmerised by ‘Whole Lotta Love’. That was the song that did it for me. A lot of these choices that I’ve made are either the first or second release from these bands. I always thought that those were great times, because there was never any pressure around artists. You don’t have all of the extras that come with being successful. The band is in a very pure place at that point.
I always remember playing with them, but it was quite a while after this album came out. We’d just completed a very, very long and gruelling American tour. We were about to fly back to the UK and we had a call from Robert Plant saying, "I heard you guys are still over in the States, would you like to come and hang out and open for Zeppelin on the Green [‘Day On the Green’ concert] in Oakland?" So we got a really cheap, unglamorous motel by the side of the freeway. It was so poor that the walls were basically green, covered with algae. We were there for a week and just waiting and waiting and waiting for the chance to open up for Zeppelin. That was a very important show for Priest, because that was what broke us on the west coast of America.