13. Jakob UllmannSolo I + II + III

As far as I can tell they’re live recordings, but there’s an incredible sense of depth and space within them, and also a sense of quiet, which is something that I’ve been coming towards myself over the past 15 years only very slowly. In a sense there’s a tension between music which has no silence in it because it has that drone running all the way through it and music like this, where there are these wonderful lacunae, these beautiful silences that the notes ring out into, before the players move on. There’s quite a nakedness in that, and it inspires me to be similarly courageous. So, with my new album, there’s not a lot of space in comparison to Ullmann, but there’s definitely breath and interplay between the low, dragging, rumbling notes and the higher, bowed notes. There’s more room than my older recordings, and more of a sense of depth and space.