6. James BrownSolid Gold

Cabaret Voltaire made a track called ‘James Brown’ in the 80s, and had Cabaret Voltaire been better musicians we probably would have made records like James Brown. With that groove. It was the best ever music for dancing, back in the day. In the mid-70s and there were a few clubs in Sheffield where you could hear James Brown. You can’t beat it. If you want to get on the dance floor and dance, James Brown is your man. Originally he was more of a soul singer but something happened and they got locked into that groove and never looked back. He became more politicised as well with things like ‘Say It Loud – I’m Black And I’m Proud’. I’ve seen him play a couple of times, once in the 80s, and he was fantastic then. In the 90s he was still doing the splits onstage. Maybe it was fuelled by some dubious chemical – I don’t know – but he was more than a musician, he was a character. I’ve heard him described as being like a witch doctor. The fact that they had to get him in to chill everyone out after the King assassination in the late 60s in America. He was a powerful voice. Probably not the nicest man in the world – you’d hear about him fining his band if they played the wrong note – but if I was putting a band together today I’d be exactly the same: "No solos! Keep to the groove!"