3. The FallGrotesque (After The Gramme)

I could have chosen any one of The Fall’s albums. I chose this one mainly because it’s got ‘The Container Drivers’ on it. I think, along with Throbbing Gristle, they’re probably the finest British band. At this point there’s not really anything I could say about The Fall that isn’t just regurgitating what everybody else always says about The Fall, so I would just say – if somehow you’re reading this and you haven’t heard this fucking record, get it on! My path never crossed with Mark E. Smith’s, but [Pogues accordion player] James Fearnley told me he once had a birthday party at the Penny Black, at the crossroads of Roseberry Avenue and King’s Cross Road, and Mark E. Smith walked into the party, said hello, ordered a pint, drank his pint and fucked off. I think it just happened to be the nearest bar. Then of course Shane had the famous interview with him and Nick Cave, which I wasn’t at. I don’t really wish I had been – I can think of better ways to spend the afternoon than listening to Shane, Nick and Mark E. Smith talking about Nietzsche! “You have a coffee table understanding of philosophy!” That wound Shane up no end, I’m sure.