13. Albert KingThe Ultimate Collection

I had the one with all the Stax stuff, which I love, with Booker T And The MGs as his back-up band, but there was stuff before that and stuff after. It’s just everything, he was so innovative. He used an open tuning for playing guitar and I think he played left-handed, I mean no one could pick this man’s guitar up. I did get to see him in Chicago playing live before he passed away. He is the reason that Stevie Ray Vaughan had a guitar style because this was his favourite player. And I can see why! It’s very different with lots of long stretches and long bends with the guitar. He was very different from the others like B.B. and Buddy Guy. I just love his playing because it just leant itself to my style a little bit. I’m doing a thesis on Albert right now so that’s why he’s last, because I’m doing a lots of stealing from Albert right now [laughs]. This collection goes through every era and you can see how his sounds change how his playing starts, it’s just a good thesis on him.