10. Napalm DeathApex Predator – Easy Meat

JR: As a teenager, I went into the CD shop in town, and said ‘What’s heavier than Slipknot?’ They said ‘Here’s a Napalm Death CD.’ I instantly became really into them and Extreme Noise Terror. The complete opposite end of the metal spectrum. Whatever people considered to be heavy, I wanted to be one step heavier. I could have picked any Napalm Death album. Order Of The Leech is the one I listen to a lot, but this was the first track from them where I thought, ‘Hang on, here’s something different’. I was hoping the rest of the album would sound like that, but it didn’t so I was a bit disappointed, but I love that track so much. I still listen to it occasionally. A lot of the Persher stuff was highly influenced by that. There were a few things that really gave us a kick up the arse, like Shit And Shine, that made us think, ‘We can do this. We’ve got the skills. Why are we not doing it?’ And this track was one of them.