8. UntoldGonna Work Out Fine

I tried to sneak this one under the radar, because it’s only six tracks long, but it should be described as an album in its impact. It’s got a solid but perhaps unspoken concept to it that had such an impact at the time – and it still sounds killer. It’s magpie-ish: nick this classic piano riff from this old house track, put it over a rude breakbeat, then add some squelchy sounds that I’ve just come up with that sound like they’re from 20 years into the future. It’s quite a cheeky record – Untold’s personality in a nutshell – but it was also a breath of fresh air at the time. The kind of record that you hear and think: ‘Fuck, what did I just listen to?’
Even though it’s not strictly dubstep, it was certainly part of that school of experimentalism that was born out of FWD>>. ‘Anaconda’: ‘This isn’t what’s meant to happen, but I’m going to do it anyway.’ ‘Stop What You’re Doing’: absolutely bonkers. It was of a period where people were pushing themselves further and further, to see what they could get away with. As long as it’s at a certain tempo, what can I put on this template?
This record is a result of a time where I was experimenting in the studio on my own material, but was also playing Untold tunes out at FWD>> and having people run up to me asking what the hell these tracks were. The EP is only six years old, and I don’t think this will sound dated anytime soon.