7. HeliosEingya

Eingya is a very pretty, sort-of kind folktronica record. I remember speaking to Ben [UFO] about it, and I don’t think he ever liked it. He thought it was a bit too pretty for its own sake, but when I was a teenager I thought it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard. I found it when I first started using Boomkat, around 2005, but listening back to it now I can see that point of view more. In parts it can be a bit sickly, and everything seems to resolves without much friction, whereas some of my favourite music now is a bit more ambivalent; unresolved and discordant, rather than harmonious. I think that’s come into more of my own material, too. Some people think a particular track of mine is euphoric, but others might find it depressing. People always seem to have very different opinions about the vibe of my tracks. I still enjoy Eingya, but I find it interesting that years after a record has remained a favourite in your mind, the effect of the record becomes purely nostalgic, rather than based on any conceptual or production merit.