11. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying BirdsChasing Yesterday

I could have chosen an Oasis record, but if I’m really honest I think this record and the one before are his best work. I don’t want to piss on anyone’s parade but I think the songs here are fucking great. It’s very clever to be able to write something anthemic. It’s not easy and he just seems to roll them out. But I think there’s a depth and a maturity to his playing and his songs which comes from age and experience. Obviously I’m biased as he’s my mate but I’m impressed by the writing more than anything else. He’s hit a great seam and he’s up and running and that’s great to see. I suppose it’s that thing where you don’t have to pretend to be democratic anymore, you just please yourself. You don’t have to appease the singer or the bass player or whoever it may be. You’re free to do whatever you want to do. I’m glad that he’s done it.