1. GenesisSeconds Out

I’m going to be honest. When I was younger, I knew I didn’t have the same tastes as others. I wasn’t interested in pop chart stuff. This was pre-punk. I would have been a Pink Floyd fan at twelve or thirteen, and I loved Bowie obviously, because it’s impossible not to.
Back then, and I know it’s now seen as deeply unstylish, I loved Genesis. I was a fanatic. If I went on Mastermind even now, I could take you on, on Genesis. This is Genesis up to a certain point, mind you! I loved everything until Steve Hackett left, they had a couple of albums after Gabriel left that I loved. One is Seconds Out. I’m not keen on that many live albums. Even Bowie’s live albums weren’t that good. But Seconds Out by Genesis is probably the best live album I’ve heard, certainly at the time.
To this day there is still a Hackett guitar solo or two I really like. If you talk to someone like Danny Baker, a big fan of the punk revolution, he’ll probably tell you the best album ever made was Selling England By the Pound! If you take later Genesis it’s argh, oh God… But at the time they were an important band to me, certainly when I was still at school. When punk came along everything changed.