5. Spinal TapThis Is Spinal Tap

JA: This is here because of Derek Smalls’ bass but also because it has occupied so much of our time in the past 15 years in terms of quoting. I know everyone quotes Spinal Tap, but with us ‘jazz odyssey’ comes up a lot. If we don’t know what to do and there’s a moment’s silence, usually someone will say ‘jazz odyssey’?
JB: Whenever talk of writing song names and titles arises, ‘jazz odyssey’ always crops up. And when you’re touring and eating bad food on the road and making your own sandwiches it’s always ‘miniature bread’. Of course most bands do the ‘turn it up to 11’ thing as well. There’s so many.
JA: On the point of volume, our original singer Sandro got tinnitus, sadly, really early on. It was terrifying for him and very scary for us as well as we didn’t realise how bad it was. We were all living together at the time, and Sandro eventually got good treatment and special earplugs but I don’t think he’s ever fully recovered. That was a real lesson to us.