4. Techno AnimalThe Brotherhood Of The Bomb

JA: You’ve got Justin Broadrick of Godflesh, who’s friends with Kevin Martin, who does The Bug, and they did Techno Animal in the nineties. Kevin Martin’s more of a hip-hop industrial beat guy, so Techno Animal are like really heavy hip-hop. Like really heavy hip hop. The Brotherhood Of The Bomb was their last record but it’s the best. The industrial heaviness hits you smack in the mouth. I didn’t realise hip-hop could be this loud and obnoxious and disgusting, basically. Unlike a lot of crossover stuff, Techno Animal wasn’t heavy guitars, it was just heavy beats. I think Godflesh are an amazing band but Techno Animal is mind-blowing. Streetcleaner is an absolute masterpiece, but I’m not a record junkie in the sense of having to own everything ever made by a band. There are a couple of Godflesh albums I haven’t even listened to. But I like the new one [A World Lit Only By Fire]. That’s a return to form. They’ve gone back to the proper drum machine sound they used to have, which, I read recently, Broadrick said brought the life back into it. I agree.