9. ChavezGone Glimmering

JB: They had two records in the 90s but I’ve gone with the first because it was the first time I encountered them. They’re probably my favourite band. A tough call, but Chavez somehow exude everything that I want in a band – almost like a heavy metal band playing indie rock. They’re a bunch of regular dudes playing great, great tunes.
They have a drummer called James Lo, who they always refer to in the sleeves as ‘The’ James Lo. The second track is called ‘Break Up Your Band’ and it’s got a line which goes: ‘Let all the drummers come to meet the champions!’ But I picked this because of Scott Marshall’s bass, which just has so much sheer weight. The basslines are so pure and simple you’d think a child could play them, but they’re a knockout because they’re so precisely placed and perfectly executed. Chavez are criminally underrated, but I’m so thankful they exist because they make me want to make music.