10. The FallPalace Of Swords Reversed

I picked this because this was the first Fall record that I ever owned. I had a really battered copy of Live At The Witch Trials that was given to me by an ex- girlfriend but this was my gateway into the Fall. It’s got some of my favourite Fall tunes of all time on it, although every Fall record is amazing and even now I still go back to them and find total gems.
Mark E. Smith: obviously so much has already been said and there’s not much left to be said, but for me The Fall were one of the most important groups ever. He came to a few Gnod shows, actually. We did one show in Manchester and he came along and we were sitting in the back room and his head pops in round the door and he says [note perfect MES impression] ‘Do you mind if I come and have a fag in here?’ And we said ‘come on in’ so he comes in and has a chat, says he liked the gig and gave us all a bomb of wizz each. We’d see him in Salford pubs with his mate Ding; he had this massive, massive energy.