8. Get HustleDream Eagle

I’ve been listening to a lot of bands that I feel lucky enough to have seen growing up in Los Angeles. Instead of hardcore bands trying to sound hardcore, Get Hustle just started making music that they wanted to hear – they had two organs and I think it’s really original. If you watch the first season of The Simpsons, they all have the same voice and they all act the same, but as it progresses, they become who they are. I feel that Get Hustle became who they are with this record. Liars were lucky enough to bring them on an American tour and you really felt that they brought their world to you, to each venue. The amount of work and effort and dedication to their music was really inspiring. I saw them when I moved to New York, during the tour for Dream Eagle. They had two Hammond organs, they’re wood, the heaviest things. They were carrying them up the stairs and they would in no way portabilise their setup, they wouldn’t change their sound. When you see them with two fucking Hammond organs in an all ages space, you think “fuck, these people really moved their home furniture to put me in their living room, and it’s part of the show”.