5. Prince, The RevolutionParade

Prince is something that hit me like a ton of bricks when I was 20. I love Prince and I don’t think it’s like rooting for Man United to say that. His music with The Revolution is my favourite. This album embodies his dream of making this multicultural, multi-background music that is genre-less. And I think Parade is a record that maybe a lot of people don’t know – they know that ‘Kiss’ is on it, obviously, and that it comes from the movie Under The Cherry Moon. ‘I Wonder U’isbeautiful, the lyrics are very simple, a female voice saying, “how you say, I wonder you”. Having learned German recently, I detected that as a sentence lost in translation – in whatever language this woman has as a mother language, “wonder” is a parallel with “I love you”. He must have heard it whispered in his ear and he made an entire song about it and captured someone trying to express that in the most playful and seductive way.