3. The CurePornography

My brother was goth to the core. His female friends would go to school in wedding dresses and they’d bring a chain link and play jump rope with it. Pornography had a big impact on me. It’s the first Cure record that my brother brought home where I remember the cover and I remember the songs. It’s purported to be their nightmare LSD trip but I didn’t get that vibe from it. I chose it because if I really pick it apart what its ingredients are, the rhythms are very repetitive, and it’s very modern in that sense. Robert Smith is one of my favourite guitarists, an amazing singer and his voice just communicates so much. I’m an albums not a playlists person so I think in terms of discography, what is the trajectory and what does that tell you about your life? I realised listening to some old Liars songs I had written that I didn’t intentionally think, “I’m going to try to make something from Pornography”, but that’s where that comes from. I’m not shy of being influenced by things and to discover an influence from something with it being unbeknownst to me is pretty amazing.