12. The Amorphous AndrogynousA Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Vol. 1

I saw an advert for this album when it came out and I had to buy it. I just thought, ‘With a title like that, it’s either going to be the greatest thing ever or the worst thing ever.’ And from the second I put it on and heard ‘Barabajagal (Love Is Hot)’ by Donovan that blew me away. The second the album finished I got on the phone, and I was like, ‘Find me these guys. I need to go and work with them.’ Then I found out more about them and I went onto their website and they’ve got podcasts and everything. You should see them DJing. They are unbelievable. They will blow your mind. They’re modern day geniuses… even though one of them never says a word and the other one never stops talking.