12. Harold Budd/Brian Eno with Daniel LanoisThe Pearl

I think I’d been looking for something like this for ages; something sculpted, but that manages to encompass the violent and everything in between. What I want out of music is everything really, and The Pearl is that. It’s quite a dark record in places. It’s easy to dismiss it as New Age. I think we’re quite lucky at this point in time that people are less concerned about genres than they used to be. Even prog rock is getting a proper analysis now. I finally got around to listening to early Genesis recently and found it wasn’t as disgusting as I expected it to be. A lot of music gets dismissed because of how it’s tagged. But The Pearl has escaped that really, because of Eno. I was lucky living in St Helens, because it can seem like a bit of a cultural desert, but there were a couple of good resources. There used to be a really good record shop in the market that sold mostly prog rock stuff, but lots of psychedelic stuff, some of Tim Buckley’s early stuff and I picked up The Pearl from there. It’s amazing.