11. Simon & GarfunkelParsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme

I didn’t give them the time of day until I was probably in my thirties. I’ve learnt that a lot of the records that you love are things that you grew up with and really excited you when you were a kid. But there a few things that creep in later on, when you realise the greatness. I could’ve put in Bridge Over Troubled Water, but I didn’t at the last minute, because the back end of that record doesn’t do as much for me. Whereas the clunkily-titled Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme has got a lot of more of the tunes from them – I mean I just really love Simon And Garfunkel, I couldn’t quite pin down the album that I wanted to put in. I think this is the one with most of the songs on it that I love.
I’m generally quite a contrary person and I don’t like to be told what I like. There’s always people telling me "oh, you’ve got to hear this, it’s really great and you’ll love it". It’s like, "How the hell do you know what I will love?" Music is such a personal thing, you can’t tell other people what they will like and what they will love. People have given me things that they think I will love and I’ve just thrown them out the window of my car I’ve hated them so much. But this is the exception that proves the rule.
I think my favourite is ‘Feelin’ Groovy’ – I could say one of the more arty ones, but I like that one the best [laughs]!