1. Deee-LiteWorld Clique

When I was in eighth grade I ran for a student body secretary, or something like that, and all the kids would campaign for a month or so before the elections, putting up posters or whatever. And then on the election day everybody had to give a speech, or have some sort of audio presentation that got played over the school’s PA. So there were periods on election day when everyone would be in the home room and you’d have to sit through all these speeches that the 13/14-year-olds were making. And I made my speech using the Deee-Lite tape. I had a double cassette boom box and I would dub different parts of the Deee-Lite tape and mix it up so that it built a speech.
I didn’t keep it. I feel like it must be in the possession of some member of my family, in a box somewhere. I’d kind of forgotten about that until recently but it turned up in my head recently. Unfortunately I don’t really know anyone from that period in my life anymore so there wasn’t anybody I could ask about it.
I never really put it together that long, long before I had any knowledge of what dance music was, or what sampling or dubbing was I did this thing. But it certainly wasn’t cool. I think it confused pretty much everybody in my school. I don’t even remember what it said, but I remember feeling very proud of it even though everyone thought I was totally weird and a freak.