5. RadioheadOK Computer

Now this one meant a lot to me when my nan died. I got very sad and I had no idea how to process depression. And nor did anyone in my family, actually. Because we’re very British in many ways and we only deal with sadness by telling lots of jokes. I wrote all the lyrics on my school books for God’s sake – how Goth is that? [Laughs]. I put this in because I love Radiohead, plus I have a really funny story about them that I wanted to tell, of course. You know the really amazing Glastonbury they did in the early 2000s? I was there. I mean I was 13 or something and I just pushed my way to the front. I actually had to wait as there were all these Morrissey fans there, all these big burly white blokes and there was me just elbowing my way through, not giving a shit. ‘Oi, Radiohead are on next!’ I mean this was before Morrissey was as cancelled as he is now, though I believe he was already showing signs of bad behaviour. But I didn’t know it at the time as I was so young. He was shit, anyway. But I think this was the beginning of my attraction to electronic music as they are some great electronic moments in this album and it’s kind of a gateway drug, isn’t it?
But anyway, Mike and I got married in 2011. So Drew Lustman (AKA Falty DL) had a fan in Thom Yorke and apparently he loved footwork as well, according to his blog of that week. So we were in New York on honeymoon and we got invited to the SNL after party – and we were really, really drunk. We’d just been to an footwork rave that was probably the highlight of my life, where we saw Spinn and Rashad. I loved it. It was in some shitty warehouse out in Brooklyn. So we went to that then we came back downtown and went into this bar and we had to say a password, ‘Stinkypickle’, to get in. So we got in and were talking to Drew. Mike was drunk, but he’s always the same quiet, sensible person really, even when he’s drunk. But I just become my mum: so I get loud, I sing and I joke. But mostly just loudness and singing. So I was singing happy birthday to Mike and this guy got involved and put his arm round me and I was all like ‘This is nice! Isn’t he nice?’ and he was remarking that I was British and he was coming on to me, but I didn’t realise at the time. And Mike was being very serious, as he was talking to Thom Yorke. And Thom Yorke was very rude to him: he basically said ‘I don’t know who you are and I don’t care’. And Mike had been introduced to him; he didn’t just walk over and start talking. So I overheard it and went ‘Ahhhhh, that’s why you’re called Radiohead, because you’ve got a huge radio for a head!’ It was free drinks that night, which I kept on drinking after walking away at this point. I was just dicking about. They must have been like ‘Who let this walking trash in?’ [Laughs] But we had a great night. Thom Yorke was a massive dick though, a week after saying he was a massive fan of Planet Mu. But that was all I could say as I was just so drunk and all I could do was laugh at the situation and Thom’s fucking massive greasy head. I still love the album, though, but not as much as I did. He’s just a very weird dude, I guess.