3. All SaintsAll Saints

This is a fucking great album. I mean they were all really good singers. Well, I mean Shaznay was. I think the other girl was too, whom I want to call Rachel, but I know that was S Club 7. Who was she? [Looks it up] Melanie Blatt. I had a bit of a thing for her but I was about seven, so I didn’t realise it was a sexual awakening! All I thought was, ‘I really like girls in crop tops and cargo pants. I want to be like them. Mum, I want to be like them! I really want to be like them!’ So my mum let me get the little outfit – and the trouser skirt! Oh my God, that was a bad look. But I mean I only wore trousers for years, I’ve only started wearing dresses recently. And I base that purely on All Saints [laughs].
I remember they did ‘Under The Bridge’ and absolutely nailed it, much better than the original. Older, cooler kids would say, ‘Oh actually, that’s Red Hot Chilli Peppers’ and I remember thinking ‘Oh, they sound shit!’ I didn’t really care if they were cool – I was seven. They were my first real concert – my second was Kylie, also very cool, I love her. I used to make dance moves up to her and make my mum watch them. But it’s just a fucking good album man. I mean I had it on tape. I bought it with my own money. My nan took me to Virgin Megastore and we bought it. Music was so exciting in the 90s and I do feel like we’ve lost it. That’s part of why I wanted this album in there. I know people say we’re still excited by it, but we’re not! We’re not! Not in the same way, anyway. My kids are, a bit. My daughter really likes footwork, anyway.