1. The OsmondsCrazy Horses

I remember this from the time, but also my son, Sonny, who’s five, is obsessed with this record. I first played it to him when he was three and he’d get his little guitar off the shelf and just go mental with it. When one of your kids likes it that means you have to listen to it about 15 times a day but I didn’t mind. It’s like, "Yeah let’s stick it on, play it louder." It’s just absolutely perfect and so heavy. And lyrically I get it now but I didn’t at the time. You don’t really get lyrics when you’re a kid. You just think it’s about horses. I always thought Jeff Beck’s ‘Hi Ho Silver Lining’ was "silver lightning" – I thought it was about a horse. That whole thing to me is just a love song for a horse. Fuck knows what it’s actually about. Drugs? Yeah, probably. One of my favourite memories of school is the school cloakroom full of tartan – that was for Bay City Rollers, but it just really reminds me of this era. My sister was a couple of years younger than me but she had Osmonds socks and an Osmonds lampshade. She had a couple of their albums. But ‘Crazy Horses’ is such a fantastic record. The first record that I ever liked was ‘Billy Don’t Be a Hero’ by Paper Lace. I nearly chose that, but then I listened to it again and it’s not very good.