
New Order Low Life
I don’t know what Joy Division fan couldn’t love a song like ‘Sunrise’. To me, it’s like the sister tune of ‘Twenty Four Hours’ and it’s one of those guys’ most rocking tunes but I can see how some of the dance stuff might turn off some of those people [who decried New Order’s move away from their origins].
When I first heard this record I was at a girlfriend’s house and when ‘Love Vigilantes’ came on I thought for a second that Augustus Pablo had come on and then I found it who it was. I still love that album and if you call my cellphone you’ll see that ‘Subculture’ is my ringtone [pulls out his phone and with a huge grin plays his ringtone to prove it]. I was so obsessed with ‘Subculture’ when it came out in 1985 and when Screaming Trees recorded their first album in 1986 [Clairvoyance] I quite cleverly lifted the “park” and “dark” bits from the song [bursts into uncontrollable laughter]… Oh, wow! I’m not so proud of that!
A few years after that, I loved ‘Sunrise’ so much that I wrote a song called ‘Sunrise’ as well. Was there any temptation for Screaming Trees to move in that direction? Absolutely not. I don’t think we were capable of doing anything outside of our little box!