3. The Comsat AngelsSleep No More

I love all the Comsats records, even the ones that nobody likes, there’s something about them that’s incredibly special to me. I remember the week Sleep No More came out listening to it again and again and again. It had that wonderful production that made it sound as if it had been recorded down a lift shaft, you could never quite distinguish which was the keyboard and which was the guitar. Stephen Fellows’ voice was ethereal and distant, and it had that beautiful cover with the sundial. I loved the title- it was all very enigmatic, you couldn’t quite decipher the individual elements. Since then the Comsats have been arguably my favourite band, I love the sound they make, the noise. I know that they were never going to be huge, but I always maintain they were the band Joy Division could have been if they’d been able to play and write songs. Of all of them Sleep No More is the one where you put the needle on the record and the sound, the sound of The Comsat Angels, starts and continues right to the end of the record.