1. FenneszEndless Summer

The Mego catalogue has been always my first reference when I was looking for fucked-up electronic music and it is where I truly found most of my long-time heroes. When I bought it (on CD, and got it signed years later), I was studying musicology at the University of Bologna, and it was the one period in my life when I probably listened to the biggest amount of music ever: to be completely honest, a rather long train ride served as the main reason for that. At the time, I was into David Tudor, Iannis Xenakis, Morton Subotnick, La Monte Young and facing the works of these composers was not always easy at that age; it required a lot of concentration and patience. So when I discovered this little gem floating between the world of sonic craziness and pop music I was just in shock! The long last track ‘Happy Audio’, the title track and ‘A Year In A Minute’ are still in every playlist I make for myself when I travel – I consider it to be a clear sign that I’m experiencing this music with the same enthusiasm and awe that I had for it during the first few listens. My closest friends surely know that, musically, my goal has always been to once make a release as consistent as Endless Summer.