4. Absence Of LightVyom Chakra

You know Shiv Mandavia? He’s this big filmmaker. He was the same guy hosting that metal show on the radio where I found Sepultura and Suicide Silence, and he was the vocalist of Absence Of Light. They dropped ‘Vyom Chakra’ on 11/11/11 at the turn of the decade. It was the first really serious metal record Kenya had released, it was on par to compete internationally. I was very excited for them. That never left me because I loved how they fused their background and Hinduism and culture with metal.
I loved how they fused all these things from the Bhagavad Gita: nirvana, samadhi, all these states of consciousness and afterlife and how gods reincarnate into their music. And they’re from Ken, so it was so cool to see that. I pay them homage till today because they inspired me and made me who I am.