2. Suicide SilenceThe Cleansing

I was fresh from high school – 16 or 17 years old – when I heard them play on the radio in Nairobi. I looked for them on YouTube the next morning. I saw them live, and I was like… holy Jesus Christ. Mitch Lucker was preaching to a crusade: this huge mosh pit, dust in the air, people going crazy, bikes flipping in the sky. Yo, it was insane. He was talking in two voices – equal scream and growl, sometimes he’d even switch them up quickly. I’d never seen anyone do that. I knew I had to do something with music, but I never knew what, because I could write a lot of lyrics and stuff, but I never knew what style I wanted to get into. But seeing Mitch Lucker really changed it for me. I’d been really into rock & roll before going into metal. He really inspired me a lot, man. Rest in peace Mitch Lucker.