12. MikronSeverance

I didn’t know anything about Mikron – literally nothing. But I really like their label Central Processing Unit, a Sheffield label with a lot of techno stuff. I was just browsing, really, and found this album and bought it. It’s such a gradual album, but it really crept up on me and got deep into my bones. I think there’s a kind of poignancy with it; it’s so atmospheric, poignant and hauntingly beautiful, in a really understated way.
Similar to Underworld, there is something a bit weirdly pastoral about it as well. Right now, I do find myself gravitating more towards things that make me think of wide-open fields because I just find that the city can be quite oppressive sometimes. I just feel like there’s a sense of illumination in this album, so I listen to it a lot. I still don’t really know who they are, but they’re very mysterious and that adds to my enjoyment of this record.