13. Tod DockstaderAriel #1-3

This does take a bit of effort, but here’s what I suggest: put it on in the background and do that for a week. You’ll either go completely bonkers and go, ‘I’ve got to get this out of the house now!’ or you’ll find there’s little things inside of it. It’s kind of like Trout Mask Replica, if you haven’t got the template for it, it just sounds like noise and chaos. But I listened to it for a while and it becomes beautiful and that’s the point.
So that’s why I picked it, because otherwise we’re slaves to the 12 tones on the keyboard and the four on the floor. I’m not a purist in that sense of what makes good music. I like very much what Jacknife Lee said, that he’s always interested in the mistakes that become the reason that you like something, and he’s interested in discovery, because that’s the job of the musician. You have to discover, not to recreate. It’s about vision, and it’s about understanding what it is that you’re trying to do. And all the albums that I have here have helped me in that respect.