8. Rufus and Chaka KhanStompin’ At The Savoy – Live

I just think Chaka Khan is an incredible singer. When I first heard her voice I was probably about 13. My sister had bought one of her singles – I think it was ‘I’m Every Woman’ – and I stole it from her. When my sister went out I used to play it all the time. Don’t worry – she now knows I nicked it off her but she would have probably killed me back then.
I love the dynamism on this album. I’ve listened to it for years and years and I could sing you every track on it [starts singing ‘Tell Me Something Good’] and it makes me feel happy.
I did meet Chaka Khan and she was so nice. She’s really as you would imagine her to be – she has the biggest smile ever. She’s like a big world of happiness. She is a bit like me in the sense that when we laugh, we really laugh. She’s full of this positive energy and really sweet.