3. Frank OceanChannel Orange

RW: Jenny’s mum got us into this album! We use to listen to it on the way to the beach in our Fiat 500 (Laughs).
JH: This is one of our favourite records, we were listening to it a lot when we first got into writing.
RW: Yeah, I think this was one of the biggest inspirations for I, Gemeni, even though it’s hard to hear it.
JH: You can hear it more on tracks like ‘Deep Six Textbook’. Everyone was saying: ‘It’s like Cocteau Twins’, but at the time we hadn’t heard them when we wrote the album. I think what I love about Frank Ocean’s writing is the fact that he doesn’t give too much personal information, but it still has a huge emotional effect. Similar to Sophie in a way. Another thing I love about his lyrics is the way he addresses fame and fortune, and how it’s all a bit meaningless. For instance, ‘Super Rich Kids’ he’s talking about fake friends and so on.
RW: When I listen to Channel Orange, I just Imagine a tropical place. And it’s interesting how that can be summed up on a record.
JH: I love everything about the record.’Thinkin’ Bout You’ is so emotional especially with the context of the note [about his sexuality] he left on Tumblr.