11. Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The Moon

There’s nothing to say about The Dark Side Of The Moon that hasn’t already been said, as well… Brilliant concept, brilliant sound, recording, design, everything – still! – works. The Dark Side… is a true masterpiece! We were all left speechless when we heard it for the first time and still are when listening to it today. We’d love to do that complex an album sometime. We tried to get close to it on a few occasions, not successfully. We were also thinking of remaking the whole Pink Floyd album – but don’t worry, you music purists, that won’t happen – and later we had an idea to do the album, entitled The Dark Side Of Europa, and maybe this will still happen. Of all the great tracks from the record, we were particularly obsessed with ‘On The Run’ – it was a true novelty back in 1973 when the album came out, and it was also probably the cornerstone for electronic trance music. Later, in 1994, we covered a Pink Floyd song, ‘The Dogs Of War’, not from The Dark Side…, but it was a pleasure to work on it nevertheless. It fitted well into the concept of our NATO album. Our legendary publisher, Andrew King, who used to manage Pink Floyd, helped us get permission, which wasn’t easy at all. And we once performed in the Roundhouse, where Pink Floyd played shows in the old times. This is the closest we got to them.