6. Véronique Vincent & Aksak MaboulEx-Futur Album

This is a fascinating record and it has such an amazing story. Marc Hollander was Aksak Maboul, they were his crew in the 80s, and he started Crammed Discs in Belgium. He was married (still is) to Veronique Vincent [of the Honeymoon Killers]and they were recording an album in I think about 1983, and then a baby arrived, so that took over. So they left the record practically finished but not quite finished, in the drawer. And then another baby arrived, so that record got even further and deeper into its drawer! It got forgotten. And then some years ago they discovered it, and played it and thought okay, this is good stuff. Obviously Marc had the label, so they mixed it and released it, and there it was: the Ex-Futur Album. My personal connection to this record is that people kept saying oh, it sounds like Stereolab, except they did it ten years before we did! They’re sort of our parents, and that’s really amazing to me. We’ve been separated and found again later on; it’s a really lovely experience, and it also makes so much sense with the kind of label that Marc is running. It’s very open, and they’re very open-minded people, accepting the differences, and it’s what I find most attractive: the fusion, when you go get some DNA from here and there and over here and then cram it all into a song.