12. Sam PrekopWho’s Your New Professor

Just like we had a group of friends in Toulouse, we had a group of friends in Chicago, with everybody playing in each other’s bands, and really we found a family there. Those were wonderful years, but since then a lot of people have moved to LA, or just moved out. Sam I believe still lives in Chicago. I don’t know if he’s still making music. I sure hope so. He moved away from this type of music to buying analogue electronic machines and playing around with those a lot and it was divine, but he’d moved away from the pop format the last time I heard him. But I do love Sam Prekop, and I probably have even more of a soft spot for his solo albums than for his work with The Sea And Cake, which I also find superb, but the solo stuff has always touched me more somehow. Maybe it’s because there’s less at stake. Maybe they’re more free and therefore more direct. You don’t have to show off your prowess so much, I don’t know. But I do like the freedom of them. It’s like laughter, the way it comes out. I really like that. I find that in beautiful, well-crafted songs we approach perfection. Not that we should seek perfection necessarily; we’re perfect as we are. But for me, artistically and aesthetically, we’re coming close to something quite perfect, and therefore it makes it into my list.
The album feels so lightly or deeply attuned that you don’t have to force it down. You don’t force it, you just let it be and follow it. You let it guide you, and that’s a big quality to Sam’s writing. Sam could probably have been a much bigger star in terms of having more fans, but I think he’s probably always protected himself from that, knowing very well it would probably destroy his muse. It’s very difficult to not get crushed by too much popularity. You want to please people and meet their expectations, and expectations are just the worst thing. They’re the worst poison. They should be absolutely prohibited and fought against, actively. I sense that also: that people when they meet me have expectations. They have a whole story in their mind and then when they meet me and I’m just me it’s somehow ah, I’m not what you expected me to be. But that’s a trap, the expectation, and I try to avoid it. I try to not have expectations, because most of the time you’re going to be disappointed. So why live a life of disappointment, when you can live a life of joy?