8. Public EnemyFear Of A Black Planet

That’s what I’d listen to on Bikini Kill tours. I’d put on my Walkman with my Fear Of A Black Planet cassette and I would go running and listen to it. I felt like they were making this really accessible music full of political ideas that were often very personal and sometimes very broad and I was like, "I want to make music like this, that you want to listen to because it sounds so great, but when you dig into the lyrics they’re also smart and sometimes funny and very tongue in cheek." That’s what I wanted to make so I’d just listen to it all the time. When I was running it was such good music to listen to because the beats are so awesome. It was a massive influence to Le Tigre. Not that we did hip-hop but I wanted to do songs that sounded good. Public Enemy made me okay with having higher production values. You can still be extremely political and radical and say what you want but do it in a way that just sounds great. First you notice how great it sounds and then, as you keep listening to it, you go, "Wait, what’s this about? They mention this book, they mention Marcus Garvey, I want to go find out about that!"