12. Fleetwood MacTango In The Night
I know a lot of people aren’t into Tango In The Night, but I think that’s because the production is really of-the-time, it’s very 80s sounding and I think it’s a CD-aware album. It’s not mastered in the same way that they used to do when cutting for vinyl. But there are some really amazing songs on it and I think that if it had been made in the 70s it would have been as big as Rumours. The 70s is all warm snares, and just duller and warmer in general. And there’s a lot more synthesizer work on Tango…, and I just think the songs are what count and they are easily up there. I think the synths are part of what has poisoned people’s minds to this particular album. Obviously Rumours is an all-time golden classic as well.