3. Jesters Of DestinyFun At The Funeral

There was a record store in in Tampere in Finland where they sold this Jesters Of Destiny album for 50 cents or something. It is a weird album because it’s quite psychedelic, or experimental, and there wasn’t much information about the band. I bought maybe seven or eight copies of this album, and gave them to my friends, and all my friends and other people started to like it in Pori. It’s amazing, like some kind of alternative metal before Soundgarden, before Jane’s Addiction. The songwriting is amazing, and the melodies are very beautiful and very weird. Then I got on this mission to find out who they are. I found them, and reissued it on my own small record label on CD. So, we became friends with Bruce Duff, the singer of that band. He’s worked a lot in the music business, at record companies and legendary bands like 45 Grave. His roots were in experimental and punk. He ended up being the lead singer on a Circle album called Hollywood. We also released one 7-inch where we play Jesters of Destiny cover songs. And maybe 15 years ago when we played Roadburn festival, we got Bruce Duff from Los Angeles to do lead singing. He’s my idol.
They might be the first alternative metal band in the world, because that album came out in 86. After that, I reissued it on vinyl, and I released their two studio albums. This band is so legendary in my history I just want to keep them alive. I don’t care what kind of music they are doing.