10. Betty Davis – They Say I’m Different

Would Betty Davis have been famous if she hadn’t married Miles Davis? Well, is Betty Davis famous? Because it didn’t really work; at the time, it put people off, because she was married to Miles Davis – "Oh, she’s his missus, she’s just bloody flaunting it. I’m not buying a bloody record by her". You can dress it up how you like, be raunchy and using sex to sell it and everything, but it didn’t really work. So I think she may have been more successful if she wasn’t married to Miles Davis, because it isn’t anything like him.
Some of her other records are a bit crap, a bit hit and miss in places, but this one reminds me of Grace Jones: it’s got a lot of soul, and it gets a really good groove going, and she just does her thing over the top of it. A lot of funk used to give me a headache, but this has a few parallels with Captain Beefheart; it reminds me of Clear Spot-era Beefheart. I knew of Betty Davis at the time, in the 70s, and I completely dismissed her because it gave me a headache, but now I’ve rediscovered her. And she’s brilliant.