12. Nick Cave & The Bad SeedsFrom Her To Eternity

I was into The Birthday Party and they ended and then this record came out. I guess he was kinda leading up to this with Mutiny and this was a continuation. He’s playing with a lot of American musical forms and a lot of other stuff but it’s really fractured and twisted and he’s telling these really sad tales.
There’s definitely a lot of space on the record. It’s pretty minimal for sure and there’s some really great non-guitar guitar playing from Blixa Bargeld. Nick Cave is a big influence on me and this is by far my favourite record of his.
This record came out at the height of my Birthday Party obsession so I loved it. Really angular and hard, almost spiky, aggressive and nasty, Mr Cave had yet to go all softy and lush. I attended a summer film program at NYU and listened to this constantly. I saw the Bad Seeds play at Danceteria and they did a cover of ‘I Put A Spell On You’.