13. Skepta

This is such a great groove and I love the way that it’s on the bass. I love the way that funk transposes itself for different generations, and this has got a real swing to it. And the rhythms used in grime are so interesting and when you put the bass on you get this incredible groove. The tempo isn’t quite slow but almost, and the vocals on this are fantastic.
I’m fascinated by the idea that with any kind of music you can extend its parameters and I can really feel the funk in this. I love the way that the rhythms are very skittery and how they move about and the bass is great. I play my bass on my hip and I can really feel the vibrations on my crotch but the bass here just sends vibrations throughout your whole body. And to me, it’s the bass here that really defines the funk. The heaviness of the bottom end really shakes your atoms.