3. MisfitsLegacy Of Brutality

Chris Cockrell, Josh Homme and Brant Bjork really got me into the Misfits. I was still exploring punk rock in middle school – bands like Suicidal Tendencies and Fear – but the Misfits eluded me for some reason. But when I got properly introduced, I knew I was experiencing a whole other level of punk rock. When you have something that’s mean and gritty and dirty and fast but with melody and lyric on top of that – sometimes it marries very well and becomes beautiful and I literally wore this record out. Some singers don’t like saying they have idols but I have no problem admitting that Glenn Danzig is one of mine. I wanted to be him. I was even a Misfit for Halloween one year: make-up, engineer boots up to your knees, walking around terrorising little kids…