1. DescendentsLiveage!

It was the attitude and temperament that attracted me to this kind of coffeed-out, surf-punk band. Chris Cockrell – original bass player for Katzenjammer, Sons of Kyuss and finally Kyuss – introduced me to them in high school. It was on vinyl; I popped it on and was immediately drawn to the rawness, how this live record sounded sonically: covering a song like ‘Wendy’ by The Beach Boys for example. I don’t have all the Descendents records by any means but this one – from the opening track ‘All’, to songs that I personally related to, like ‘I Don’t Want To Grow Up’ and ‘I’m Not A Loser’ – was super emotional to me. Everybody has their catalogue of music that makes them feel and this was just part of my punk upbringing.