8. The Velvet UndergroundLoaded

Ah that’s the one, unfortunately, Lou Reed hated. He couldn’t stand it… but I liked it! There’s such a variety of songs on it. There’s one song on there – [line cuts out; we reconnect] – I told you Lou Reed hated that album! That song ‘Who Loves The Sun’, how good is that?! The breakdown on it, it’s like a hoedown.
They called it an album, but this is just an art project! A lost memo for an album… Let’s come up with 16 ideas and just whittle it down. ‘I Found A Reason’, that song, the melody [imitates it] that was just amazing. ‘Rock & Roll’, I first heard that in my father’s car. He had a Monte Carlo, and I thought that was cool. It came on the radio and I was like, "What is this?!" It was so simple and it was talking about a radio station in New York – and I was in New York, that was where I heard it – and I just loved the rhythm guitar and also the soaring chorus, where it’s just like three notes and it kind of soars around. And that became an influence on our song called ‘Ed Is Dead’ – another homage!